Ten bar truss#

This example demonstrates how to to create an ARSM ten bar truss flow in batch mode using optiSLang python API.

First, the arsm_ten_bar_truss.py file is used to create an ARSM ten bar truss flow. Then the ten_bar_modify_parameters.py and ten_bar_truss_lc2.py files are used to modify the flow. Lastly, the project is executed and a optionally the project is saved to a desired location.

Perform required imports#

Perform the required imports.

from ansys.optislang.core import Optislang
import ansys.optislang.core.examples as examples

Create optiSLang instance#

Create the optiSLang instance.

osl = Optislang(ini_timeout=60)

Get paths of example scripts and run them#

Get the paths of the example scripts and then run these scripts.

paths1 = examples.get_files("arsm_ten_bar_truss")
paths2 = examples.get_files("ten_bar_modify_parameters")
paths3 = examples.get_files("ten_bar_truss_lc2")


Run workflow#

Run the workflow created by the preceding scripts.


Optionally save project#

If you want to save the project to some desired location, uncomment and edit these lines:

path = r'<insert-desired-location>'
osl.application.save_as(os.path.join(path, "test_project.opf"))

Stop and cancel project#

Stop and cancel the project.


View generated workflow#

This image shows the generated workflow.

Result of script.

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