Go to the end to download the full example code.
Basic API queries#
This example demonstrates the usage of the explicit API to perform basic queries on root project level.
Perform required imports#
Perform the required imports.
from pathlib import Path
import tempfile
from ansys.optislang.core import Optislang
import ansys.optislang.core.examples as examples
from ansys.optislang.core.nodes import ParametricSystem, System
Helper functions#
Define a few helper functions.
def print_node(node):
def print_parameters(node):
if isinstance(node, ParametricSystem):
print(f"** Parameters of {node.get_name()} **")
[print(parameter) for parameter in node.parameter_manager.get_parameters()]
def print_responses(node):
if isinstance(node, ParametricSystem):
print(f"** Responses of {node.get_name()} **")
[print(response) for response in node.response_manager.get_responses()]
def print_criteria(node):
if isinstance(node, ParametricSystem):
print(f"** Criteria of {node.get_name()} **")
[print(criterion) for criterion in node.criteria_manager.get_criteria()]
def for_each_child_node(node, function, recursive=False):
for child_node in node.get_nodes():
if recursive:
if isinstance(child_node, System):
for_each_child_node(child_node, function)
Create optiSLang instance#
Create the optiSLang instance.
osl = Optislang(ini_timeout=60)
Get paths of example scripts and run them#
Get the paths of the example scripts and then run these scripts.
paths1 = examples.get_files("oscillator_sensitivity_mop")
paths2 = examples.get_files("oscillator_optimization_on_mop")
Query project tree#
Print each project node/system. Print parameters/responses/criteria for each parametric system in the project.
print("*** Project Nodes ***")
for_each_child_node(osl.application.project.root_system, print_node, recursive=True)
print("*** Registered parameters of parametric systems ***")
for_each_child_node(osl.application.project.root_system, print_parameters, recursive=True)
print("*** Registered responses of parametric systems ***")
for_each_child_node(osl.application.project.root_system, print_responses, recursive=True)
print("*** Defined criteria of parametric systems ***")
for_each_child_node(osl.application.project.root_system, print_criteria, recursive=True)
Stop and cancel project#
Stop and cancel the project.