
class ansys.optislang.core.osl_process.OslServerProcess(executable: str | Path | None = None, project_path: str | Path | None = None, batch: bool = True, service: bool = False, port_range: Tuple[int, int] | None = None, password: str | None = None, no_run: bool | None = None, no_save: bool = False, force: bool = True, reset: bool = False, auto_relocate: bool = False, enable_tcp_server: bool = True, server_info: str | Path | None = None, log_server_events: bool = False, listener: Tuple[str, int] | None = None, listener_id: str | None = None, multi_listener: Iterable[Tuple[str, int, str | None]] | None = None, notifications: Iterable[ServerNotification] | None = None, shutdown_on_finished: bool = True, env_vars: Mapping[str, str] | None = None, logger=None, log_process_stdout: bool = True, log_process_stderr: bool = True, import_project_properties_file: str | Path | None = None, export_project_properties_file: str | Path | None = None, import_placeholders_file: str | Path | None = None, export_placeholders_file: str | Path | None = None, output_file: str | Path | None = None, dump_project_state: str | Path | None = None, opx_project_definition_file: str | Path | None = None, additional_args: Iterable[str] | None = None)#

Starts and controls local optiSLang server process.

executableOptional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]], optional

Path to the optiSLang executable file. Defaults to None.

project_pathOptional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]], optional

Path to the optiSLang project file. - If the project file exists, it is opened. - If the project file does not exist, a new project is created on the specified path. - If the path is None, a new project is created in the temporary directory. Defaults to None.

batchbool, optional

Determines whether to start optiSLang server in batch mode. Defaults to True.

..note:: Cannot be used in combination with service mode.

service: bool, optional

Determines whether to start optiSLang server in service mode. If True, batch argument is set to False. Defaults to False.

..note:: Cannot be used in combination with batch mode.

port_rangeTuple[int, int], optional

Defines the port range for optiSLang server. Defaults to None.

passwordOptional[str], optional

The server password. Use when communication with the server requires the request to contain a password entry. Defaults to None.

no_runOptional[bool], optional

Determines whether not to run the specified project when started in batch mode. Defaults to None.


Only supported in batch mode.

no_savebool, optional

Determines whether not to save the specified project after all other actions are completed. Defaults to False.


Only supported in batch mode.

forcebool, optional

Determines whether to force opening/processing specified project when started in batch mode even if issues occur. Defaults to True.


Only supported in batch mode.

resetbool, optional

Determines whether to reset specified project after load. Defaults to False.


Only supported in batch mode.

auto_relocatebool, optional

Determines whether to automatically relocate missing file paths. Defaults to False.


Only supported in batch mode.

enable_tcp_serverbool, optional

Determines whether to enable optiSLang TCP server. Defaults to True.

server_infoOptional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]], optional

Path to the server information file. If a relative path is provided, it is considered to be relative to the project working directory. If None, no server information file will be written. Defaults to None.

log_commandsbool, optional

Determines whether to display server events in the Message log pane. Defaults to False.

listenerOptional[Tuple[str, int]], optional

Host and port of the remote listener (plain TCP/IP based) to be registered at optiSLang server. Defaults to None.

listener_idOptional[str], optional

Specific unique ID for the TCP listener. Defaults to None.

multi_listenerIterable[Tuple[str, int, Optional[str]]], optional

Multiple remote listeners (plain TCP/IP based) to be registered at optiSLang server. Each listener is a combination of host, port and (optionally) listener ID. Defaults to None.

notificationsOptional[Iterable[ServerNotification]], optional

Notifications to be sent to the listener. Defaults to None.

shutdown_on_finished: bool, optional

Shut down when execution is finished. Defaults to True.


Only supported in batch mode.

env_varsOptional[Mapping[str, str]], optional

Additional environmental variables (key and value) for the optiSLang server process. Defaults to None.

loggerAny, optional

Object for logging. If None, standard logging object is used. Defaults to None.

log_process_stdoutbool, optional

Determines whether the process STDOUT is supposed to be logged. Defaults to True.

log_process_stderrbool, optional

Determines whether the process STDERR is supposed to be logged. Defaults to True.

import_project_properties_fileOptional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]], optional

Optional path to a project properties file to import. Defaults to None.

export_project_properties_fileOptional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]], optional

Optional path to a project properties file to export. Defaults to None.


Only supported in batch mode.

import_placeholders_fileOptional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]], optional

Optional path to a placeholders file to import. Defaults to None.

export_placeholders_fileOptional[[str, pathlib.Path]], optional

Optional path to a placeholders file to export. Defaults to None.


Only supported in batch mode.

output_fileOptional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]], optional

Optional path to an output file for writing project run results to. Defaults to None.


Only supported in batch mode.

dump_project_stateOptional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]], optional

Optional path to a project state dump file to export. If a relative path is provided, it is considered to be relative to the project working directory. Defaults to None.


Only supported in batch mode.

opx_project_definition_fileOptional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]], optional

Optional path to an OPX project definition file. Defaults to None.


Only supported in batch mode.

additional_argsOptional[Iterable[str]], optional

Additional command line arguments used for execution of the optiSLang server process. Defaults to None.


Raised when the optiSLang executable is None.


Raised when the optiSLang executable cannot be found.


Raised when the path to the optiSLang project file is invalid.


Start optiSLang server process in batch with specified path to the optiSLang project. File paths are defined in Windows operating system.

>>> from ansys.optislang.core import OslServerProcess
>>> executable = r"C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v221\optiSLang\optislang.com"
>>> project_path = r"C:\osl_project\project.opf"
>>> osl_process = OslServerProcess(executable, project_path)
>>> osl_process.start()



Determine whether the optiSLang server process is running.


Start new optiSLang server process.


Terminate optiSLang server process.


Wait for the process to finish.




Additional command line arguments used for optiSLang server process execution.


Get whether to automatically relocate missing file paths.


Get whether the optiSLang server is supposed to be started in batch mode.


Path to a project state dump file to export.


Get whether to enable optiSLang TCP server.


Additional environmental variables for the optiSLang server process.


Path to the optiSLang executable file.


Path to the placeholders export file.


Path to the project properties export file.


Path to the placeholders import file.


Path to the project properties import file.


Host and port of the remote listener.


Specific unique ID for the TCP listener.


Get whether to display server events in the Message log pane.


Get whether the STDERR of the optiSLang server process is to be logged.


Get whether the STDOUT of the optiSLang server process is to be logged.


Object used for logging.


Multi remote listener definitions.


Get whether not to run the specified project when started in batch mode .


Get whether not to save the specified project after all other actions are completed.


Notifications which are sent to the listener.


Path to the OPX project definition file.


Path to the output file for writing project run results to.


Server password.


Process ID.


Port range for optiSLang server execution.


Path to the optiSLang project file.


Get whether to reset specified project after load.


Path to the server information file.


Whether to shut down when execution is finished.