.. DO NOT EDIT. .. THIS FILE WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY SPHINX-GALLERY. .. TO MAKE CHANGES, EDIT THE SOURCE PYTHON FILE: .. "examples/workflow_creation/01_ten_bar_truss.py" .. LINE NUMBERS ARE GIVEN BELOW. .. only:: html .. note:: :class: sphx-glr-download-link-note :ref:`Go to the end ` to download the full example code. .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-example-title .. _sphx_glr_examples_workflow_creation_01_ten_bar_truss.py: .. _ref_ten_bar_truss_create_workflow: Ten bar truss ------------- This example demonstrates how to to create an ARSM ten bar truss flow in batch mode using pyOptiSLang. First, the workflow is created, properties are set and project is executed. It explains then how you can save the project to a desired location. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 37-40 Perform required imports ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Perform the required imports. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 40-57 .. code-block:: Python import os from pathlib import Path from ansys.optislang.core import Optislang import ansys.optislang.core.node_types as node_types from ansys.optislang.core.nodes import DesignFlow, IntegrationNode, ParametricSystem from ansys.optislang.core.project_parametric import ( ComparisonType, ConstraintCriterion, ObjectiveCriterion, OptimizationParameter, ) from ansys.optislang.core.utils import get_osl_exec example_files_path = Path(os.environ["OSL_EXAMPLES"]) / "00_run_script" / "ten_bar_truss" / "files" .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 58-61 Create optiSLang instance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Create the optiSLang instance. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 61-65 .. code-block:: Python osl = Optislang(ini_timeout=60) print(osl) .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 66-68 Create workflow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 68-349 .. code-block:: Python root_system = osl.application.project.root_system # Create nodes # ------------ arsm: ParametricSystem = root_system.create_node(type_=node_types.ARSM) text_input: IntegrationNode = arsm.create_node( type_=node_types.Parameterize, name="infile", design_flow=DesignFlow.RECEIVE ) process: IntegrationNode = arsm.create_node(type_=node_types.Process, name="process") text_output: IntegrationNode = arsm.create_node( type_=node_types.ETKAsciiOutput, name="outfile", design_flow=DesignFlow.SEND ) # Setup nodes # ----------- # Text input - set file path and register locations as parameters text_input.set_property( name="FilePath", value={ "path": { "base_path_mode": {"value": "ABSOLUTE_PATH"}, "split_path": {"head": "", "tail": str(example_files_path / "ten_bar_truss.s")}, } }, ) # register locations as parameters # note: This automatically creates/assigns parameter to the parent system, but parameter properties # (parameter type, range, distribution ...) cannot be set directly and have to be modified # afterward, if needed. Another option is to define parameters in parent system beforehand. for i in range(1, 11): location = { "column": 20, "expandable": True, "format": r"%18.16lf", "length": 8, "line": int(23 + i), "marker": r"", "name": f"area{i:02}", "preferred_format": False, "stop_at_line_end": True, "force_integer_as_real": True, } text_input.register_location_as_parameter( location={"input_parameter": location, "type": "input_parameter"}, name=f"area{i:02}", reference_value={ "kind": {"value": "scalar"}, "scalar": {"real": 10.0, "imag": 0.0}, }, ) # ARSM - Configure parameters for i in range(1, 11): arsm.parameter_manager.modify_parameter( OptimizationParameter(name=f"area{i:02}", reference_value=10.0, range=[0.1, 20]) ) # Process - set properties, input/output files process.set_property("DistinctWorkingDirectory", False) slang_executable = get_osl_exec()[1].parent / "slang" / "bin" / "slang" process.set_property("Command", str(slang_executable)) process.set_property("Arguments", ["-b", "ten_bar_truss.s"]) process.set_property("MaxParallel", 4) input_files = [ { "archival": {"value": "default"}, "initial_path": "", "input_filename": "", "slot_name": "file_path", "user_data_1": "", "user_data_2": "", "working_filename": "ten_bar_truss.s", } ] process.set_property("InputFiles", input_files) output_files = [ { "archival": {"value": "default"}, "importance": {"value": "required"}, "remove_on_reset": False, "slot_name": "outfile_path", "working_file_regex": "", "working_filename": "ten_bar_truss.out", } ] process.set_property("OutputFiles", output_files) # Text Output - set reference file, responses outfile = { "path": { "base_path_mode": {"value": "WORKING_DIR_RELATIVE"}, "split_path": { "head": str(example_files_path), "tail": "ten_bar_truss.out", }, } } text_output.set_property("File", outfile) # set response `mass` # LineReader with repeater settings line_offset = 1 line_increment = 1 line_repetitions = 1 # TokenReade with repeater settings token_offset = 0 token_increment = 1 token_repetitions = 1 mass_location = { "etk_variable": { "type": "etk_ascii_output_variable", "variable": { "base_path": "", "encoding": "utf-8", "expression": "", "file_path": str(example_files_path / "ten_bar_truss.out"), "id": "mass", "prefer_signal": False, "reader": { "marker": { "next": { "marker": { "repeater": { "repeater": { "increment": token_increment, "max_increment": token_repetitions, "offset": token_offset, }, "type": "increment_repeater", }, "separator": " ", }, "type": "token_reader", }, "repeater": { "repeater": { "increment": line_increment, "max_increment": line_repetitions, "offset": line_offset, }, "type": "increment_repeater", }, }, "type": "line_reader", }, }, }, "file_path": { "path": { "base_path_mode": {"value": "ABSOLUTE_PATH"}, "split_path": { "head": "", "tail": str(example_files_path / "ten_bar_truss.out"), }, } }, } text_output.register_location_as_response(location=mass_location, name="mass") # set response `stress`` begin_marker = "Stress element" end_marker = "Stress element" # Repeated marker settings marker_offset = 0 marker_increment = 1 marker_repetitions = 10 # LineReader with repeater settings line_offset = 1 line_increment = 1 line_repetitions = 1 # TokenReader with repeater settings token_offset = 0 token_increment = 1 token_repetitions = 1 stress_location = { "etk_variable": { "type": "etk_ascii_output_variable", "variable": { "base_path": "", "encoding": "utf-8", "expression": "", "file_path": str(example_files_path / "ten_bar_truss.out"), "id": "stress", "prefer_signal": False, "reader": { "marker": { "end_search": end_marker, "end_search_is_regex": True, "next": { "marker": { "next": { "marker": { "repeater": { "repeater": { "increment": token_increment, "max_increment": token_repetitions, "offset": token_offset, }, "type": "increment_repeater", }, "separator": " ", }, "type": "token_reader", }, "repeater": { "repeater": { "increment": line_increment, "max_increment": line_repetitions, "offset": line_offset, }, "type": "increment_repeater", }, }, "type": "line_reader", }, "repeater": { "repeater": { "increment": marker_increment, "max_increment": marker_repetitions, "offset": marker_offset, }, "type": "increment_repeater", }, "search": begin_marker, "search_is_regex": True, }, "type": "regex_searcher", }, }, }, "file_path": { "path": { "base_path_mode": {"value": "ABSOLUTE_PATH"}, "split_path": { "head": "", "tail": str(example_files_path / "ten_bar_truss.out"), }, } }, } text_output.register_location_as_response(location=stress_location, name="stress") # ARSM - add criteria arsm.criteria_manager.add_criterion( ObjectiveCriterion(name="obj", expression="mass", criterion=ComparisonType.MIN) ) arsm.criteria_manager.add_criterion( ConstraintCriterion( name="c", expression="max(abs(stress))", criterion=ComparisonType.LESSEQUAL, limit_expression="25000", ) ) # Connect nodes # ------------- text_input_odesign = text_input.get_output_slots(name="ODesign")[0] text_input_opath = text_input.get_output_slots(name="OPath")[0] process_idesign = process.get_input_slots(name="IDesign")[0] process_ipath = process.get_input_slots("file_path")[0] text_input_odesign.connect_to(process_idesign) text_input_opath.connect_to(process_ipath) process_odesign = process.get_output_slots("ODesign")[0] process_path = process.get_output_slots("outfile_path")[0] text_output_idesign = text_output.get_input_slots(name="IDesign")[0] text_output_ipath = text_output.get_input_slots(name="IPath")[0] process_odesign.connect_to(text_output_idesign) process_path.connect_to(text_output_ipath) .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 350-360 Optionally save project ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you want to save the project to some desired location, uncomment and edit these lines: .. code:: python dir_path = Path(r"") project_name = "ten_bar_truss_workflow.opf" osl.application.save_as(dir_path / project_name) .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 362-365 Run workflow ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Run the workflow created in previous steps. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 365-369 .. code-block:: Python osl.application.project.start() osl.application.save() .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 370-373 Stop and cancel project ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stop and cancel the project. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 373-376 .. code-block:: Python osl.dispose() .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 377-385 View generated workflow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This image shows the generated workflow. .. image:: ../../_static/01_ten_bar_truss_pyOSL_workflow.png :width: 400 :alt: Result of script. .. _sphx_glr_download_examples_workflow_creation_01_ten_bar_truss.py: .. only:: html .. container:: sphx-glr-footer sphx-glr-footer-example .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-jupyter :download:`Download Jupyter notebook: 01_ten_bar_truss.ipynb <01_ten_bar_truss.ipynb>` .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-python :download:`Download Python source code: 01_ten_bar_truss.py <01_ten_bar_truss.py>` .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-zip :download:`Download zipped: 01_ten_bar_truss.zip <01_ten_bar_truss.zip>` .. only:: html .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-signature `Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery `_